
The Entomological Collections Network Listserv (ECN-L) is a long running resource for arthropod collection digitization information. No greater resource exists for posting questions regarding digitization practices, arthropod collection job postings, and general discussion on the topic. Anyone is free to join the list, which is now hosted on Google Groups. Our archives are also available from the original Listserv hosted on by the University of Nebraska.

Notes on participating in ECN:

  • We welcome all interested people from around the world to join the ECN email list.
  • The group is moderated and the ECN Code of Conduct applies.
  • Any person can join with any email account to receive messages. But in order to participate in conversations a user must link their email to a free Google Account.
  • You can signup with any of your preexisting Gmail accounts, or create a new Google Account with your non-Gmail email address. Google tries to make you use Gmail, but this is not necessary. A Google Account a Gmail account.
  • By creating a Google Account, list security and stability is protected for everyone.
  • Read this article on Google about creating an account with any non-Gmail email.
  • ECN and Google are free, but unlike Google, we appreciate your financial contributions or volunteer service to the board, thank you!